Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Back-up alternative script

I found that it was very difficult to get a 3rd boy to be in the film as it was hard to find someone else who was available when we were filming. Because this happened a day before filming, I wrote an alternative script for scenes 2 & 3 just in case we couldn't find anyone available on the day.

Scene 2
(3 walks into room)
5: "You alright?"
3: "Yeah I'm fine."
5: "Do you want to walk down the shop?"
3: "Yeah why not."

Scene 3
"Ahh, I just remembered, I've gotta do something. I'll see you later."
5: "Okay then, see you later."

When I was doing some test shots, I found that I wasn't able to fit a 3rd person into the shot in scene 2. This was because I wasn't able to get the camera far enough back in the conservatory.
Since I have come across these 2 problems, I have decided that it would be easier if I just had 2 boys in the film so I am going to use the back-up script for scenes 2 & 3.

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