Thursday 18 February 2010

Feedback about music

For the second piece of music that I have created for my opening, I created 2 variations of the piece as I wasn't too sure about which one would best suit the footage which I wanted it to accompany. I therefore played the 2 variations to a friend and asked them for their opinion. I already knew which one I preferred and luckily my friend, without saying which piece I preferred, agreed with me so I have decided to use that variation of the music.
I preferred the piece of music that I have used because I feel that it is less intrusive as the guitar is not as strong. I think this piece best suits the footage it is to accompany as it doesn't take away from the visual effects that I have added to the footage but it does help to create tension.

Technical difficulties

Whilst I was uploading the second lot of footage I came across as technical difficulty. I struggled to get the camera to connect with iMovie. To cure this problem I just had to keep turning the camera on and off, closing and re-opening iMovie, changing the camera and changing the firewire. This problem has cost me a lot of time in the editing of the film.

Feedback about music & footage

I played the piece of music that I have created for the flashback scene to my friends. They thought it was very good and that it fitted the scene well. Because of this, I have decided that I will use this piece of music for these scenes.

I have also shown the footage that we filmed to some of my cast. We are all really pleased with the results so far but we have decided that we will need to re-film the road scene. This is because the camera is very shaky and makes the piece of footage quite difficult to watch. Also, I wanted to try and speed parts of this scene up which isn't possible to do if I leave the footage that way it is.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Previous year 12 thriller openings

I have had a look at the school's channel on YouTube and I've watched some of the previous year 12 thriller openings that are on there. I have then analysed these openings for their strengths and weaknesses.


• The music creates a good tense atmosphere.
• I like the way a hand-held camera is used to follow the skier.
• Variety of shots.
• There is no narrative to follow.
• The opening scene doesn't make any sense.


• I like the use of juxtaposition.
• Good visual effects were used.
• I liked the use of the music when the guy was remembering what had happened.
• I think that the reversing of the car on the drive was a bit unnecessary.
• The white flashes at the end of the flashbacks went on for a bit too long.

Third Floor

• I like the way the music builds up over the opening credits.
• Good transitions.
• I like the aerial shot over the guy on the floor of the lift.
• Good distinction between present day and flashbacks.
• I think some of the credits should have been laid over shots so that more time was taken up with footage and less time was taken up with credits.
• Different music could have maybe been used for the flashbacks.


• I like the music used.
• I like the way the opening shot has been done twice.
• Variety of shot angles were used.
• Could have done with a few more mid-shots/close-ups.
• No narrative to follow.
• It wasn't clear if the black and white footage was supposed to be a flashback or not.

Back-up alternative script

I found that it was very difficult to get a 3rd boy to be in the film as it was hard to find someone else who was available when we were filming. Because this happened a day before filming, I wrote an alternative script for scenes 2 & 3 just in case we couldn't find anyone available on the day.

Scene 2
(3 walks into room)
5: "You alright?"
3: "Yeah I'm fine."
5: "Do you want to walk down the shop?"
3: "Yeah why not."

Scene 3
"Ahh, I just remembered, I've gotta do something. I'll see you later."
5: "Okay then, see you later."

When I was doing some test shots, I found that I wasn't able to fit a 3rd person into the shot in scene 2. This was because I wasn't able to get the camera far enough back in the conservatory.
Since I have come across these 2 problems, I have decided that it would be easier if I just had 2 boys in the film so I am going to use the back-up script for scenes 2 & 3.