The production stills will be edited using Photoshop so that they're not just an ordinary photo. Each of the photos were taken against a plain brick wall. This brick wall will be made into a black and white photo but the person will remained naturally coloured in the foreground. All of the production stills which I use for the digipak and web page will be done like this so as to create continuity between the two. These are the production stills that I have to work with for my ancillary tasks.
Try this link. It has advice on how to improve the quality of audio
Something wrong with your slideshare link here, Ceri. You may need to check and re-upload or re-link if you had made changes to the original ppt.
ReplyDeleteI have already re-uploaded the presentation & re-embedded it.
ReplyDeleteSlideshare have now changed their settings for users who have free accounts, meaning the private function doesn't work like it used to. I've made the presentation public now so it should work.