Sunday 13 February 2011

Music video alteration

Amongst the feedback which I received from my target audience, it appeared that some people wanted to see some effects on the taxi sequence at the start of the film that match the beat of the music, such as the use of jump cuts. I have played around with this section of the footage to see what I was able to do with it.
1. I put in a series of jump cuts so that the taxi appeared to jump forwards.
2. I put in a series of jump cuts so that the taxi appeared to jump backwards and retrace its path.
3. I changed the scale so that there appeared to be crash zooms within the sequence.
After trying out each of these I removed all of them and left the clip how it was originally. I did this for the following reasons;
1. The jump cuts in which the taxi appeared to jump forward looked like blips in the footage. I found that I didn't have enough footage for the taxi to jump enough.
2. The jump cuts in which the taxi appeared to jump backwards looked to me as if they were a stuck record.
3. When I changed the scale to bring the taxi closer to the camera, I found that the black edges of the film disappeared. This was quite distracting and obvious. If I'd have stopped this from happening then the frame size would have been altered slightly which would have changed the scale of the taxi, causing it to be squashed during these clips.
To be able to alter this sequence to match the beat of the music then I would have needed to have filmed this shot from a series of different angles. I would then have been able to cut between these different angles in time with the beat of the song.

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